AI Awards 2025: Trustworthy AI
The theme of the AI Awards 2025 is Trustworthy AI. The use of artificial intelligence opens the door to key ethical questions, such as the impact of AI systems on human autonomy, their reliability, security, and privacy protection.
The second edition of the AI Awards: Trustworthy AI was announced on January 15, 2025. Registration is open until February 28, 2025.
The AI Awards: Trustworthy AI can be awarded to companies or individuals who have successfully developed or implemented AI systems, or are pursuing cooperation with foreign partners in the field of AI for products and services in the Slovak market. Detailed conditions for participation, selection criteria for projects, and information about the evaluation process and committee can be found in the award’s statute.
Who can get involved
AI team
How to get involved? Conditions of application
- Registration can be done by any AI system operator.
- If an AI system is a modification of another AI system, then that system can only be logged in with the consent of the original system operator.
- You can enter your AI system in the competition from 20.11. 2023 to 9.2.2024.
- The best AI systems will be invited to a second round of face-to-face interviews with the committee.
- The second round will take place from February to March, where a representative will present the AI system during one hour..
- Registráciu môže vykonať každý prevádzkovateľ systému AI.
- V prípade, ak systém AI je modifikáciou iného systému AI, potom je možné prihlásiť daný systém len so súhlasom pôvodného prevádzkovateľa systému.
- Váš systém AI môžete prihlásiť do súťaže od 20. 11. 2023 do 9. 2. 2024.
- Najlepšie systémy AI budú pozvané do druhého kola osobného pohovoru s komisiou.
The condition for inclusion in the nomination for the award is the correct and truthful completion of the data in the application form and consent to be included among the nominees.
The form consists of 10 questions focused on how your company deals with AI requirements.
Professional support
The evaluation of each submitted AI system will be based on the expertise of each member of the jury to decide which submitted project best meets the requirements for the trustworthy and responsible development and deployment of an AI system as described in the Ethical Guidelines for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence and in the Assessment List for Trustworthy AI.
AI Awards 2025: Trustworthy AI
Evaluation criteria
Requirements of ethical and trustworthy AI
Human supervision and autonomy
The principle encompasses fundamental rights, the human factor and human oversight.
Transparency and traceability
Reliability and safety
Justice and fair play
Societal and environmental impacts
Privacy and data sensitivity
AI Awards
The goal of the AI Awards is to draw attention to local manufacturers and providers of AI systems and digital innovations. The focus of the first two editions is on the importance of the principles of so-called trustworthy and human-centred artificial intelligence, as well as the connection between artificial intelligence and ethical principles.
The award is organized by Hopero, the European Center for Digital Innovations in Slovakia, and the Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies (KInIT), the first independent AI research institute in Slovakia. The media partnership for the project is provided by Forbes magazine, through which the awards are presented during the prestigious Forbes Business Fest. The award is also organized in collaboration with the Permanent Commission for Ethics and Regulations in AI (CERAI), established by the Ministry of Investments, Regional Development, and Informatization.
Last year’s laureate was AI:Dental, chosen from more than twenty applicants, for their AI system that aids in the interpretation of X-ray images in dentistry. The expert committee appreciated their efforts to meet several requirements for trustworthy AI, as well as the emphasis they place on various affected individuals and groups. A special award was also granted to the company TrollWall.
The AI Awards 2025 were announced on January 15, 2025. Registration is open until February 28, 2025, at this link . You can find the competition rules and more information here.
AI Awards 2024: Trustworthy AI
The first edition of the AI Awards recognized organizations and AI teams that seek and create connections between artificial intelligence and ethics, and deploy their AI systems in a responsible manner, taking into account the principles of so-called trustworthy and human-centred AI.
In our journey towards trustworthy AI, we succeeded in establishing a media partnership with Forbes magazine. Thanks to this, we announced the laureate of the AI Awards during the prestigious Forbes Business Fest on May 30, 2024.
The laureate of the AI Awards 2024 was the company AI:Dental. They created an innovative system designed to improve dental care using artificial intelligence, which automates the diagnosis of dental X-ray images. The system emphasizes ethical responsibility and patient privacy protection – all data is pseudonymized and processed exclusively with the patient’s consent. Patients can delete their data from the system at any time, and the process is fully transparent. Diagnostic data is verified by independent experts to minimize subjectivity and bias, ensuring the reliability of the AI and respecting patients’ rights. This approach combines technological innovation with a focus on ethics, education, and quality of care.
In 2024, the judging panel also awarded a special prize to TrollWall – a SaaS software that automatically identifies and hides toxic and vulgar comments on social media to improve the quality of discussions. It uses advanced natural language processing (NLP), and the tagging process is monitored by independent evaluators. TrollWall emphasizes an ethical approach – clients have full control over the processed comments, which they can view or reveal at any time, and the system is designed to respect the cultural and linguistic context of all users. This thorough approach to ethics ensures transparency, respects free speech, and creates a safer digital space.
What the award winner will receive
- Public recognition of efforts to create and use responsible systems with artificial intelligence by a panel of experts.
- Making the AI system visibleI within the network of Slovak innovators, experts and innovative companies through the European Digital Innovation Hub - Hopero.
- Expert and independent consultation from the Hopero team of AI experts.