AI Awards: Trustworthy AI

The AI Awards: trustworthy AI is an award for organisations and their AI teams that develop and deploy their artificial intelligence (AI) systems in a responsible manner, taking into account the principles of trustworthy and human-centric AI.
The use of AI opens the door to key ethical issues, such as the impact of AI systems on human autonomy, reliability, security and privacy. The first annual AI Awards recognizes organizations and AI teams that are finding and making the connection between artificial intelligence and ethics.

Who can get involved


A Slovak-based organization that develops and deploys AI systems in a responsible manner and with respect to the principles of trustworthy and human-centric AI.

AI team

AI team operating in Slovakia, which develops and deploys AI systems in a responsible manner and with respect to the principles of trustworthy and human-centric AI.

How to get involved?
Conditions of application



The condition for inclusion in the nomination for the award is the correct and truthful completion of the data in the application form and consent to be included among the nominees.

The form consists of 10 questions focused on how your company deals with AI requirements.

Professional support

The members of the AI Awards jury: trusted AI are experts in the field of AI. All jury members will evaluate the AI systems submitted individually and collectively, taking into account the extent to which the AI systems submitted manage to meet the requirements set for trustworthy AI. The jury is made up of members of Hopero and CERAI (The Standing Committee on the Ethics and Regulation of Artificial Intelligence).

Evaluation criteria

The evaluation of each submitted AI system will be based on the expertise of each member of the jury to decide which submitted project best meets the requirements for the trustworthy and responsible development and deployment of an AI system as described in the Ethical Guidelines for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence and in the Assessment List for Trustworthy AI

Requirements of ethical and trustworthy AI

Each submitted system will be assessed against how it meets the requirements of ethical and trustworthy AI in areas such as:

Human supervision and autonomy

The principle encompasses fundamental rights, the human factor and human oversight.


It takes into account controllability, minimizing negative impact and its reporting, trade-offs and remediation.

Transparency and traceability

It takes into account traceability, explainability and communication.

Reliability and safety

Attack resistance and security protection, backup plan and general security, accuracy, reliability and reproducibility.

Justice and fair play

The principle takes into account the avoidance of unfair bias, accessibility and design for all, and stakeholder participation.

Societal and environmental impacts

It focuses on sustainability and environmental friendliness, social impact, society and democracy.

Privacy and data sensitivity

It focuses on respect for privacy, data quality and integrity, and access to data.

What the award winner will receive

Statute of the award

For the full text of the award, please see the AI Awards Statute: trusted AI

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